
By Guri

Mp3 Song Extraordinary
by Guri

A word that’s so hard to define.
It’s a feeling that’s so hard to describe,
A feeling that’s so hard to define.

It’s a feeling of awe and amazement,
A feeling of joy and elation.
It’s a feeling of being in a state of bliss,
A feeling of being in a state of pure joy.

It’s a feeling of being in a state of wonder,
A feeling of being in a state of awe.
It’s a feeling of being in a state of enchantment,
A feeling of being in a state of pure bliss.

It’s a feeling of being in a state of awe,
A feeling of being in a state of joy.
It’s a feeling of being in a state of amazement,
A feeling of being in a state of pure joy.

A feeling that’s so hard to define.
It’s a feeling that’s so hard to describe,
A feeling that’s so hard to define.

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Song Detail

Song Detail Description
Song Name Extraordinary
Artist Guri
Lyrics : Bikram Hundal
Music : Vikram Pro
Label Hit High Records
Genre Latest Punjabi Songs
Tags Guri
Published Date Friday, March 31, 2023.
Enjoy the Music and Stay Connected with DJJass!!

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