Crush Feelings

By Davy

Mp3 Song Crush Feelings
by Davy


Verse 1:
I’m trying to keep my feelings in check
But I can’t help but feel a little wrecked
My heart is aching, my mind is spinning
I’m trying to keep my emotions from winning

Crush my feelings, don’t let them show
I’m trying to keep them under control
I’m trying to keep my heart in check
But it’s hard to keep my feelings in check

Verse 2:
I’m trying to keep my head up high
But I can’t help but feel like I’m gonna cry
My heart is heavy, my mind is racing
I’m trying to keep my emotions from taking over

Crush my feelings, don’t let them show
I’m trying to keep them under control
I’m trying to keep my heart in check
But it’s hard to keep my feelings in check

I’m trying to stay strong and keep my head up
But I can’t help but feel like I’m stuck in a rut
I’m trying to keep my emotions in line
But it’s hard to keep my feelings in check this time

Crush my feelings, don’t let them show
I’m trying to keep them under control
I’m trying to keep my heart in check
But it’s hard to keep my feelings in check

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Song Detail

Song Detail Description
Song Name Crush Feelings
Artist Davy
Lyrics : Davy
Music : Itsbabyboy
Label Times Music
Genre Latest Punjabi Songs
Tags Davy
Published Date Friday, May 5, 2023.
Enjoy the Music and Stay Connected with DJJass!!

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