
By Arjan Dhillon

Mp3 Song Duty
by Arjan Dhillon

The duty of a soldier is to serve and protect their country. This includes defending the nation from external threats, maintaining order and security within the country, and upholding the laws and regulations of the nation. Soldiers must also be prepared to fight in times of war and conflict. They must be willing to make sacrifices for their country and be willing to put their lives on the line for the greater good. Soldiers must also be willing to follow orders and abide by the rules and regulations of the military. They must be disciplined and have a strong sense of loyalty and patriotism. Finally, soldiers must be willing to serve their country with honor and integrity.

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Song Detail

Song Detail Description
Song Name Duty
Artist Arjan Dhillon
Lyrics Arjan Dhillon
Music Panj-aab Records
Label Pitbull
Genre Latest Punjabi Songs
Tags Arjan Dhillon
Published Date Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
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